Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hey guys!!
Tomorrow will be EMCC! Take a good tight rest today okay! Remember about the post-its that we have sent you via email or the one posted up here:)
What you will experience on the stage tomorrow, is that you will see a dimmed audience seat in front of you. Other than the sound of some movements/whispers/cheer from the audience, you will feel the heart beating..then the next moment, Daren will be conducting Eine Kleine.
And before you even realise it, we have actually come to the end of the song. Same scenario apply to all the other songs.
There's only once through for each of the song, and it is unlike practice/rehearsal whereby we can ammend our mistake and play it again. So remember, be confident of yourself, don't be too particular about playing wrong notes. The most important is, to look at the conductor, and enjoy the music with the audience:D

All the best for tomorrow!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hey guys! It's a countdown of 5 days to EMCC! We are really excited! As Wednesday will be the day, everyone please take good care of yourself okay. Understand that these few days will be very draining due to piled undone assignments + preparation for lab report + preparation for presentations + the longg rehearsal that we are going to have on Tuesday and long day on Wednesday.
But remember why we have stayed up for long hours to practise? I'm sure that everyone of you has put in your utmost effort in preparation for the concert:D

3 more post-its pinned up here for you!

Remember to pay for club fund if you have not!

Bring your tuners and also look after your tuner if not it will go missing~

Yes!! Help to shift guitars!

Shuming and Hui Ping