Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas 2011 to all of you! (:

While we all celebrate Christmas in 2 days' time, please dont forget to practice guitar k! (: Just a few minutes a day will make a big difference~

And dont forget GENUS Chalet on 4-6 Jan 2012 ok!! (: We're going to have a BLAST and those who dont want to come will miss out on a whole lot of fun >:D Just in case y'all have short term memory (like me heh), its at Aloha Changi Fairy Point No 4. Do come down and join us if you can make it! (:

Lots of love, PQ&Eliz

Monday, December 12, 2011

GENUS Music Camp 2011

Hello everyone!

Hope y'all had loads of fun during our 6day GENUS Music Camp 2011 from 5th - 10th Dec! (: Without a doubt, everyone's left fingertips are hardened and cant feel anything by now (at least, its the case for me) and for the basses, the right thumbs are blistered and sore. But I bet y'all would go through all that again willingly right!! (: The friendships forged + lameness experienced + fun games played + Angel&Mortal game + practices are all definitely worth the temporary physical pain on our fingers (:

Pictures have been uploaded on the GENUS FB group, and videos will be uploaded soon (slowly but surely :D ) Please help to tag the photos ok! (:

Dont forget to practice HARD ah dont slack now that camp is over! Pedobear is watching! :b
We only have about 20 practices left to our concert, and as y'all have seen, the ensemble pieces are no mean feat. I cant even sightread the scores for tatakau T__T but I'll definitely work hard at it! More hardened left fingertips ftw!! :D So y'all must JIAYOU too ok! Press on and don't ever give up!

Also, dont forget about our next event coming right up! GENUS Chalet 2012 from 4th - 6th Jan 2012 at Aloha Changi Fairy Point No 4 kindly booked by our dinosaur Han Siang! (: Do come down for what is touted as part 2 of Music Camp, but with more fun and craziness than ever! There will be FOOD too (yes I know y'all are crazy hungry monsters) so come down and nommmm away at the yummy BBQ food k! See y'all there! <3

Lots of love, PQ&Eliz