Sunday, March 18, 2012

Annual Concert, AGM & Annual Dinner 2012

Annual concert is over! *throws confetti into the air*

Great job everyone! (: I'm so proud of each and every one of you, from seeing some of you struggle through the pieces during practices to hearing an awesome ensemble rock the house with awesome pieces. The hard work of all of us has definitely paid off (: Thank you all for being so committed to GENUS! <3

Our next event coming up is the Annual General Meeting this saturday 24 Mar 2012, when the 30th Committee officially hand the running of the ensemble over to the 31st Committee. A big thank you to the 30th Comm for all that you've done the past year (abit self-praise here but ahwell haha), it has been awesome working with you all (: Also, all the best to the 31st Comm and do your best to bring GENUS to greater heights ok!

After the AGM, we will be having our Annual Dinner at.. somewhere. It's a highly confidential secret well-kept by every single member of the 31st Comm. *scowls* Therefore I cant really say much about the Dinner sigh. Please remember to wear more presentable clothes cos we're going to take plenty of pictures~


Sunday, March 4, 2012

7 days

Countdown to concert: 7 days left!

Just realised the 30th Comm will be stepping down soon, no more power liao sigh. Decided to do up a supposedly motivational post for y'all! Will try to spam with more posts before we hand this blog over to the next generation of pubsecs..

We're only a week left to our concert! How are all of you feeling? I know amidst all the different emotions y'all are experiencing now [from emo (no more GENUS pracs after concert!) to relieved (finally no more "concert is coming! practice hard!" from the naggy committee and more time for studies!) to pure nonchalance (whatever..)], one of them is definitely practice fatigue. Imean, we've all worked SO HARD since last year, even before Music Camp 2011. That's a pretty long way we've come, I'd say. Now is the period of time when we're the most tempted to slack, thinking "Oh I've gotten pretty good at this, I don't need to practice anymore I guess."


Instead, since its the last week during which we can make a change, practice like there's no tomorrow!! hiakhiak. (But that said, please do take care of yourself + your nails + your fingers. We don't want any of you to fall ill/get injured at this critical point in time! ): )

I'm dead sure almost none of your SLs will say no if you want extra practices [EDITED: one of your SLs have proved me wrong]. Robert has cancelled tuesday prac, very good! Take the initiative to organise self-practices! :D Don't let your hard work over 3 months be wasted cos you slacked last minute (or rather, last week) and as a result don't perform up to standard during concert ):

Yes yes I know I'm super naggy, but anyway jiayou and work hard for a successful Asian Waves: The Changing Face of Asia concert everyone! (:

PS: Extra self-prac on tuesday, anyone? (: Indicate your interest on our FB group ok! ^^