Wednesday, March 17, 2010

what does the comm do? (Secretary)

When I was a very blur Year 1 (not that I'm any less blur now), a dinosaur with 10 years of experience in GENUS told me that the secretary is the quietest person in the committee. To back up his statement, he stated past examples of secretaries who are all the opposite of loud. As I did not know any better then, I blindly believed him. To be honest I am not certain if his statement is true, but before people accuse me of spreading untruths, I have to say that Theresia is not as quiet as she seems! ;)

Perhaps due to our secretary's lack of loud exclamations over how busy she is, most juniors might think that the secretary's job is an easy (or the easiest?!) one in the committee. In this special series about the committee we seek to dispel such ridiculous nonsense about the Secretary.

So, what does the secretary actually do?
  • Attendance taking
  • Compilation and updating of members' contact list
  • Administrative tasks like as adding/deleting members from genus groups
  • Compile and maintain documents, reports, etc.
  • Take down minutes for committee meetings
  • Get excuse letters for members (for performances)
  • Compile a security list for each concert
  • Allocate dressing rooms
  • Invite VIPs for concerts
Actually besides all these administrative tasks, our secretary lends us a hand in publicity too! :D Yep, besides the "official job scope" of each post, the committee basically functions as a team with members taking up the slack one of them is missing, and helping each other out when there is a lot of work that needs to be done. Afterall, many hands make light work :)

This entry is part of the What does the Comm do? series.

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