Tuesday, December 29, 2009

introducing Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt from ThinkGeek!

Completely random, but I chanced upon this-

Can you imagine if they had this in niibori guitar format? The PMs would be out of job! (the money we can save from buying instruments can go into our Germany fund :D) And another boon would be that we won't get thick skin on our fingertips and need to keep long nails on one hand and short nails on the other. Haha.

I wonder if we can play trills, pizzicato etc on such a guitar shirt though.
Any ideas on how to make such a shirt, people?

Disclaimer: This shirt is not in anyway linked to GENUS and GENUS is neither advertising nor endorsing these shirts. :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

End of music camp :(

Hello all!
Music camp is finally over. Although the camp is rather tiring, but I can't help to feel a little bit sad now that it is over. Hope everyone who came had a blast! Thank you all for being such great company, I am already missing having sectionals and playing charades.

For those of you who've missed the camp, well you've missed all the fun (and the practices!!! must practice harder when school reopens!).

I have some photos, will upload them soon. Meanwhile if you have music camp photos do upload them through facebook or something :)

- Tina

Saturday, October 3, 2009

GENUS T-shirt Design!

Hello all GENUS members! I know you are directed here because of the GENUS Family Post...but here are the designs!

I have decided to come out with a cooler design (different from the previous years having the cuter designs) and for this design we shall have the T-shirt, not the polo-T...so you can wear it outside, and I think it looks quite cool and trendy...


I have only this available for the front design, and the entire logo will span across the ENTIRE shirt, so it's a big logo (or a big guitar picture).


FOR THE BACK DESIGN, you guys can decide which design wins and become our design!
Just now during our committee...the biggest fight arose.

My partner was screaming saying NOOO to design 1.
The president was arguing with the vice president.
The treasurer kept saing YES YES YES to design 1.

Because the two designs are EQUALLY outstanding and so much so that we need the ensemble to help to decide!!

Design 1 (Girl Kissing the Guitar)

Design 2 (Guy with Guitar)

Please cast your votes at this e-mail address!
The survey will close on Tuesday, 6 Oct 2009!


If you have any way to improve the designs, or you do have good ideas, please feedback to jefferykwok@gmail.com. Thanks!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

EMCC 2009: Guitarras Vivas!

Hello all!
Good job everyone for putting up a great performance tonight! (Especially to the workshop juniors: it's not easy to perform for an audience with only such little ensemble playing experience)

I have already received all the photographs taken during the performance yesterday (yes now it is already 2am) and I have also sorted out the photographs...somehow. One group of photographs will go to the GENUS official website and all the rest informal photos will go to the FACEBOOK GROUP.

So if you haven't joined the facebook group, PLEASE GO AND JOIN US IN FACEBOOK! In the future I will upload all the photos to facebook. Due to time constraint...some kind soul please tag everyone or just tag yourself!

And just a disclaimer: The pictures I have uploaded to the official website is the "GLAM"est, those that I uploaded to facebook are "quite GLAM", and if you still complain that the facebook photos are ugly, then you can scan through the photos in my laptop to see for yourself what is really "cannot show people"...

Thank you all for making the concert a success! See you during next practice!

Friday, September 4, 2009

First blog entry!

Hello all!

This is the first official blog entry. I declare the blog officially open! :D

A big welcome to our juniors who have joined us this year. Hope you have been enjoying practices and coping well with the scores.

My first few ensemble practices last year were quite nerve-wrecking. For one, I wasn't very familiar with the scores, and was paranoid that Robert could hear all the wrong notes I was playing. It was only until just before the concert that I realised that I wasn't the only one who had this paranoia. And just to let you know, I think the EMCC scores last year was much more difficult compared to this year's!!! So be glad and practice hard. Jeff has kindly taken a picture of past year's emcc score to prove my point.

Please note that although the scores may look deceptively simple, the speed at which Robert conducts (or doesn't conduct towards the end, in the case of certain polkas) is mind-blowingly fast to someone who has only looked at the score for a few weeks. But the seniors helped a lot! Although sometimes the way in which they were trying to help was quite questionable (like how they make you sit in the front row for ensemble practice and expose your noob playing to Robert's ears. Supposed to give you experience/build up your courage so that you won't freeze on stage...), their intentions are pure. (I think.)

Unfortunately I do not have any juniors to encourage in this same way. Anyone wants to join alto 2? 8D

Juniors in the workshop, jia you! The beauty of ensemble music is that you always have people to support you. Don't be too nervous because you are not alone on stage. Practice hard and I'm sure that you'll be able to make it for EMCC concert. (You MUST make it lah. Some of us will be performing with you on that day, so don't panic.) I've sat in the last 2 workshops and you guys have improved!

The tutors are really very patient, and don't be afraid to ask them any questions. They only look scary, they don't eat people. :)

To round off I'll post our pretty EMCC poster!

AIM FOR AN AWESOME PERFORMANCE PEOPLE! We will blow all the audience's minds away~


Monday, June 1, 2009

GENUS Blog Opening

Hey all,

The blog will open shortly, taking over Ge-nusletter.
The entire thing is rather messy right now, so please have patience while everything gets fixed.
