Wednesday, September 23, 2009

EMCC 2009: Guitarras Vivas!

Hello all!
Good job everyone for putting up a great performance tonight! (Especially to the workshop juniors: it's not easy to perform for an audience with only such little ensemble playing experience)

I have already received all the photographs taken during the performance yesterday (yes now it is already 2am) and I have also sorted out the photographs...somehow. One group of photographs will go to the GENUS official website and all the rest informal photos will go to the FACEBOOK GROUP.

So if you haven't joined the facebook group, PLEASE GO AND JOIN US IN FACEBOOK! In the future I will upload all the photos to facebook. Due to time constraint...some kind soul please tag everyone or just tag yourself!

And just a disclaimer: The pictures I have uploaded to the official website is the "GLAM"est, those that I uploaded to facebook are "quite GLAM", and if you still complain that the facebook photos are ugly, then you can scan through the photos in my laptop to see for yourself what is really "cannot show people"...

Thank you all for making the concert a success! See you during next practice!

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